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MetaWealth Showcases Tokenized Real Estate at Web3 Berlin

Daniel Boltinsky

June 20, 2023

The idea of giving people control over their wealth was what initially sparked the idea of Web3. However, for most individuals, it hasn't quite delivered on that promise just yet.

MetaWealth recently sponsored the biggest NFT and crypto conference in Europe, Web3 Berlin, and showcased the potential of asset tokenization in enabling anyone to build wealth through secure, fully-controlled, and easily investable real estate assets.

“Real estate is a thousand-year-old investment vehicle that has enabled people to make a lot of money over time. For Web3, in the past 10 years, it’s really about creating a blockchain that’s safe, secure, fast and the best kind of proof of ownership. When we merge Web3 with real estate, we're trying to solve the problems of the past in the future,” said Darren Carvalho, co-founder and co-CEO of MetaWealth.”  

“The real value we’re providing is not only to Web3 enthusiasts, but also to anybody looking to get into real estate in a better way that’s safe, fast, secure and also a hands-off way for investors to get into [this asset class.]”

Since launching in March 2023, MetaWealth has enabled investors to raise over $2.3M to purchase residential real estate, and participants in the platform’s first deal have already received their first rental income distributions. 

"Our aim is to reach $100 million in assets under management by Q1 of next year. However, what I'm most proud of is our goal of attracting 15,000 new investors. That's 15,000 token holders, potentially people who didn't have any real estate assets in their portfolio to begin with. We're all trying to do our best to break down barriers and open up opportunities for people they simply don't have in other areas", said Peter Senkiw, the MetaWealth Head of Sales.

Peter went on to explain how MetaWealth breaks down barriers to real estate investing by taking care of the complexities. With a team of experts, we target assets below market value in key European cities where we identify the greatest potential. The best part is that investors can get started with as little as $100.

Unsurprisingly, the topic of regulations and building trust dominated the event's discussions. Michael Topolinski, Head of Sales at Intero, one of MetaWealth's real estate partners, highlighted the need for the Web3 industry to view regulations not as a threat but as an opportunity.

"Trust is earned through security and visibility. From our side, it's extremely important to meet compliance standards, and, in our opinion, regulation can actually bring about a lot of that trust that we're looking for, if it's brought about in a way that's conducive to helping our industry."

Be sure to check out our Twitter and Facebook pages for more exciting highlights from Web3 Berlin. 

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