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How to Make Passive Income While Traveling: Your Ultimate Guide (2023)


May 17, 2023

Who doesn't dream of traveling the world while still earning money? The concept of generating passive income has gained significant popularity in recent years, allowing individuals to escape the traditional 9-to-5 routine and embrace a location-independent lifestyle. Here's how to make passive income while traveling in order to join this elite club of travelers with money smarts.

Whether you're an avid wanderer who wants to learn how to make passive income while traveling for a permanent lifestyle, or someone seeking to keep adding passive income streams only during occasional vacations to achieve financial freedom, this blog post will guide you on how to make passive income while traveling

Here at MetaWealth we know all about building passive income because we offer everyone the chance to invest in real estate properties on the MetaWealth app starting with just $100, and earn passive income from rent.

But for this guide, we'll just focus on helping you kickstart your travel passive income streams.

So, pack your bags, fuel your wanderlust, and let's dive into the exciting world of generating passive income on the go!

#1. Is It Unusual to Make Passive Income from Your Travels?

Not at all. In fact, there might be more people doing this than you think. 

According to a study conducted by Upwork and the Freelancers Union, the number of freelancers in the United States alone reached an estimated 59 million in 2020, accounting for 36% of the total workforce. 

This indicates a significant shift towards flexible and location-independent work. Many freelancers, including writers, photographers, graphic designers, and digital marketers, leverage their skills and expertise to generate income while traveling.

In the travel blogging industry, statistics indicate substantial growth and revenue potential. According to a study by, 92% of travel influencers on Instagram reported earning money from brand partnerships, sponsored posts, and collaborations. 

The study also revealed that travel influencers with a following of 100,000 to 500,000 can earn an average of $2,000 to $7,000 per post. Influencers with larger followings, ranging from 500,000 to over a million, have the potential to earn even higher figures.

A study by the Dublin Business School also found that, while controversial still and not effective in all campaigns, influencer marketing still has a growing impact in the travel industry, which will lead to more demand for content created during travels. This is an opportunity for anyone who loves to travel and has the skills and discipline to monetize his or her experiences. 

In addition to freelancing and travel blogging, platforms like Airbnb have contributed to the rise of the sharing economy, providing opportunities for individuals to generate income from their properties while traveling. 

Furthermore, a study conducted by MorningConsult (pictured above) concluded that influencers are kind of the new travel agents for Gen Z and millennial travelers. Therefore, out of all the different categories of influencers, the ones focused on travel stand to have the most impact and to gain the most from their online presence. 

According to Airbnb's 2020 Report, hosts on the platform collectively earned over $110 billion since the company's inception in 2008. This demonstrates the significant financial potential of renting out properties or spare rooms to travelers.

The travel industry is dynamic and continuously evolving, with new passive income opportunities and income streams emerging as technology advances and consumer preferences change. Here are the best ways to make passive income from traveling. 

Regardless of your exact skills or travel style, we’re sure anyone can find a passive income stream idea that can work for them. 

#2. How to Make Passive Income While Traveling: Embrace the Digital Age:

In today's digital era, the internet has opened up a plethora of opportunities to create passive income streams while traveling. If you have enough digital skills, even as an amateur, you can use them to easily monetize your time while traveling. 

Here are just a few options to consider.

a. Start a Blog: 

Share your travel experiences, insights, and expertise through a blog. Monetize it by incorporating advertisements, sponsored posts, and affiliate marketing.

b. Become an Influencer: 

Leverage social media platforms like Instagram, YouTube, or TikTok to build a following based on your travel adventures. Collaborate with brands for sponsored content and promotional opportunities.

c. Create an Online Course: 

Utilize your knowledge and skills to develop an online course on platforms like Udemy or Teachable. Topics can range from photography and language learning to travel planning and digital marketing.

d. Freelancing: 

Offer your skills as a freelancer in various domains such as writing, graphic design, web development, or social media management. Use freelancing platforms like Upwork or Fiverr to find clients and it doesn’t matter where you’re located when you do it. 

You can walk around visiting new places all day and work on your side hustles or gigs right from your hotel room in the evening. It’s one of the best ways to start learning how to make passive income while traveling. Bonus: you might develop crucial skills for your future career development, too! 

#3. How to Make Passive Income While Traveling: Utilize the Sharing Economy

The rise of the sharing economy has revolutionized the way we travel and generate income. Consider the following avenues to boost your earnings while you travel:

a. Rent out Your Property: 

If you have a property or spare room, list it on platforms like Airbnb or VRBO to earn rental income while you're away. Alternatively, you can become a house or pet sitter and stay in people's homes for free.

b. Car Sharing: 

If you own a car, rent it out through platforms like Turo or Getaround when you're not using it. This can be a great way to cover your travel expenses or even make a profit.

c. Travel Experiences: 

Share your local knowledge and offer unique experiences to travelers through platforms like Airbnb Experiences or Vayable. Whether it's guiding a hiking tour or conducting a cooking class, you can monetize your skills and passions.

#4. How to Make Passive Income While Traveling: Leveraging Your Travel Experiences

Traveling to new destinations is not only an opportunity for adventure and exploration but can also serve as a source of income. Beyond traditional methods of generating passive income while traveling, such as digital ventures and investments, you can leverage the places you visit to create additional revenue streams. In this blog post, we will explore how you can monetize your travel experiences through photography, reviews, and more. By combining your passion for travel with entrepreneurial spirit, you can turn your adventures into a lucrative endeavor.

#4.1. Photography: Capturing and Selling Unique Memories

Travel photography is a popular way to monetize your experiences and artistic skills. 

travel photographer taking a photo on mountain top

Here's how you can make the most of your travel photography.

a. Stock Photography: 

Submit your travel photos to stock photography platforms like Shutterstock, Adobe Stock, or Getty Images. These platforms offer a vast marketplace for buyers looking for high-quality images to use in publications, websites, and advertisements.

b. Print Sales: 

Create a portfolio of your best travel photographs and sell them as prints. Establish an online store through platforms like Etsy or Shopify, or collaborate with local galleries or art shops in the places you visit to showcase and sell your work.

c. Photography Workshops and Tours: 

Share your knowledge and expertise by organizing photography workshops or leading guided photo tours in the destinations you explore. Travelers who are passionate about photography often seek these experiences to enhance their skills and capture stunning images.

#4.2. Travel Reviews and Content Creation:

Sharing your travel experiences and insights through reviews and content creation can open doors to various income opportunities. 

Here are just some of the ways to earn passive income while traveling, by reviewing your experiences and creating content around it.

a. Travel Blogging: 

Start a travel blog where you can document your journeys, share travel tips, and write destination guides. Monetize your blog through affiliate marketing, sponsored content, advertising, and collaborations with brands in the travel industry.

b. YouTube Channel: 

Create a travel-focused YouTube channel and share engaging videos of your adventures. Earn income through ad revenue, brand partnerships, sponsored videos, and product reviews.

c. Social Media Influencing: 

Grow your social media following by sharing captivating travel photos, stories, and tips. As your following grows, collaborate with brands for sponsored posts, product endorsements, and sponsored trips.

d. Freelance Travel Writing: 

Pitch your travel articles and stories to online and print publications. Many outlets are willing to pay for well-written travel content that engages readers and offers unique perspectives.

#4.3. Local Engagement and Experiences

Monetizing your travel experiences doesn't have to be limited to online ventures. Engaging with the local community and offering unique experiences can also generate income. Consider the following options:

a. Guided Tours: 

Become a local guide and offer personalized tours of the destinations you visit. Highlight the hidden gems, historical sites, or cultural experiences that tourists may not discover on their own.

b. Language Teaching: 

If you are fluent in a particular language, offer language lessons to travelers or locals in the places you visit. This can be done through private tutoring sessions or by partnering with language schools.

c. Cooking Classes and Workshops: 

If you have culinary skills, organize cooking classes where you can teach travelers and locals how to prepare local dishes. This immersive experience can be a unique way to share your passion for food while earning income.

Monetizing your travel experiences through photography, reviews, and local engagements provides an additional dimension to your income-generating strategies while exploring the world. By combining your travel adventures with entrepreneurial endeavors, you can not only capture memories but also create revenue streams that fuel your passion for exploration.

#4.4. An important note for monetizing your travel experiences:

It’s important to remember that in order to develop the right skills and channels to earn significant amounts of money while traveling, perseverance and work are still required, just like in any other type of activity that earns you money. 

Continuously refine your skills, adapt to changing trends and technologies, and listen to feedback from your audience to improve your offerings. Embrace the opportunity to connect with fellow travelers, locals, and like-minded individuals who share your passion for travel and entrepreneurship.

As you embark on this journey of monetizing your travel experiences, keep in mind that authenticity and genuine storytelling are essential. If the content you produce is the same as 90% of the similar offers you can find online, then no one needs you to actually travel to these places in order to produce it.

Share your unique perspective and experiences with honesty and transparency, as this will resonate with your audience and build trust. That’s the key in learning how to make passive income while traveling, ideally with less and less actual work from you as you become more experienced and better at it. 

Remember, while generating income from your travel experiences can be rewarding, the primary focus should always be on enjoying the journey, immersing yourself in different cultures, and creating unforgettable memories. Let your entrepreneurial pursuits enhance your travels rather than detract from them.

So, seize the opportunity to monetize your travel adventures through photography, reviews, and engaging with local communities. Embrace the freedom and flexibility that come with earning income while exploring the world

With passion, creativity, and a commitment to quality, you can turn your travel experiences into not only a source of income but also a fulfilling and enriching lifestyle.

#5. How to Make Passive Income While Traveling: Investing in Passive Income Streams

Building passive income streams through investments can provide a reliable source of income while you travel. 

Consider the following options for earning passive income on your travels:

a. Dividend Stocks: 

You can comfortably invest in stable companies that distribute regular dividends regardless of where you are, so even while traveling. Research and select companies with a consistent track record of paying dividends to ensure a steady income stream. 

Make sure you do your due diligence and use platforms you trust for intermediating between you and the companies you wish to back. 

b. Real Estate Investing: 

Invest in rental properties, either in your home country or abroad, to earn rental income. It’s the best type of passive income and it’s exactly what we are offering on the MetaWealth app

metawealth platform start investing from just $100

Thanks to tokenization and its advantages, you can start investing from as low as $100 in secure and vetted assets, allowing you to enjoy your travels while earning passive income.

Read more about how our platform for fractionalized real estate investing works and why it’s a great way to build passive income streams on the go or from anywhere. 

c. Peer-to-Peer Lending: 

Platforms like LendingClub or Prosper enable you to lend money to individuals or small businesses. You earn interest on the loans, creating a passive income stream. 

However, you would need to do your own research and read more about the terms and conditions of this type of activity directly from the platform you use. We have no connection to these brands and therefore no exact knowledge about how this would work. 

d. Index Funds: 

You can also consider investing in diversified index funds that track the performance of a specific market index. This allows you to passively earn income through capital appreciation and dividend payments.

Remember, investing comes with its own set of risks, so it's essential to conduct thorough research and seek professional advice before making any investment decisions.

#6. Making Passive Income While Traveling - Wrapping It Up:

Generating passive income while traveling is an enticing way to combine your passion for exploration with financial independence. By embracing the digital age, leveraging the sharing economy, and exploring investment opportunities, you can create diverse income streams that keep money flowing even when you're on the move. 

However, it's crucial to approach these ventures with dedication, discipline, and a realistic mindset. Building passive income takes time and effort, and success is not guaranteed overnight.

As you embark on your journey, keep in mind that flexibility and adaptability are key. Stay open to new opportunities, learn from your experiences, and continue to refine your strategies along the way. 

With the right mindset, persistence, and a willingness to learn, you can create a sustainable and fulfilling lifestyle that allows you to explore the world while earning passive income.

So, start exploring the possibilities today, take calculated risks, and let your travels become not just a journey of self-discovery or explorations of other cultures, but also a means to financial freedom. Bon voyage and happy income generation!

Extra resources: To learn even more about passive income generation, make sure you check out our other resources here:

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